Its Saturday, the plan is to get something done, be more productive, and feel accomplished with this one day we get to “catch up”…. Especially when I want to make Sunday a day of relaxation and rest.
Much of the time this willingness seems to fade and, well, I spend the day watching movies and drinking coffee (which is not a bad thing, but not good when you want to get some things crossed off the goals list). So how do I spark my motivational gears and get moving along? Here are a few simple things I do regularly that help me stimulate momentum and action in my life.
- Get some physical movement. A few minutes of a workout, a run, or some form of exercise increases the brain energy levels that effect our motivation, creativity and durability. Even if it’s a five minute run, “just do it and move it.”
- Get positive. Negative moods and feelings have much to do with our motivation. Increase your momentum by focusing on the positive… be it from a devotional, inspiring story, or thoughts of gratitude. Emotions inspire action, so get some “happy juice.” According to research, happiness increases productivity and makes us more successful (via “The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work”)
- Celebrate when you make progress. When a task is completed, notice it and celebrate/reward yourself. Progress increases happiness, which motivates further action.
Surround yourself with people who motivate. When I am around motivated friends/people/mentors, I am motivated myself. Spend the majority of your ” hang out time” around people who are positive and moved to action, and notice it fuel you. Think about it as positive peer pressure.